Friday, January 25, 2013

On the cover of Science

I got the cover of Science this week.

We ventured to Indooroopilly Island back in January 2008, where there is a huge colony of fruit bats counting several hundred thousand this time of year. You can wade across to the island at low tide - which was at 5.32 AM - from the golf grounds at Indooroopilly Golf Club, however, the going was tough with black, stinking mangroove mud, dense mangroove, heaps of spider webs and a plethora of mosquitos. We finally made it there, but it was hard to move around without disturbing the bats. Well, one good thing about disturbing the bats was the opportunity to catch a few shots of bats in flight.

The original photo is here.

Australia, Queensland, Brisbane, Indooroopilly Island.

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